Bamboo Cultivation
Learn how to grow and harvest bamboo. From propagation to best fertilisation and maintenance practices.
Whether you're an experienced bamboo farmer, a curious enthusiast, or someone looking to explore the potential of bamboo, you'll find a wealth of articles and forum discussions on this page about cultivating bamboo. We cover topics ranging from optimal bamboo species and their characteristics to cultivation techniques, maintenance, harvesting, and the diverse applications of bamboo. Join our community to delve into the world of this versatile and sustainable resource and connect with fellow enthusiasts and experts. Let's embark on a journey of discovery and learning about the incredible world of bamboo cultivation!
I always dreamed about owning a farm in South America since the moment I started Guadua Bamboo back in 2007. But life often trows you in many different directions and it finally took me 14 years to accomplish that dream. In hindsight, though, the timing couldn’t be better.
Bamboo forests have many environmental benefits because they function as carbon sinks, produce oxygen, control soil erosion, provide organic matter, regulate water levels in watersheds and conserve biodiversity.
Timing plays a crucial role when harvesting bamboo poles. As a matter of fact, knowing when and how to harvest bamboo has been one of the most important and traditional bamboo preservation methods in areas with smaller resources.
Choosing the optimal soil to grow Guadua bamboo is one of the most important determinants for success or failure of a commercial Guadua bamboo plantation.
Optimal climate conditions to grow Guadua bamboo together with soil properties will determine to a large extent whether the development of a commercial bamboo plantation will be successful or not.
Teak plantations vs Guadua bamboo plantations, which of the two is the best and safest investment if it comes to reforestation and tree farming in the tropics?
Knowing how to plant bamboo correctly, will help you establish a healthier crop and improved productivity on your bamboo farm or plantation. The distance between the plants will determine what size bamboo poles you may expect in the future.
Growing bamboo cuttings is a very popular bamboo propagation methods because it's fast, simple, economical, and it doesn't require a lot of space.
Bamboo rhizome propagation or offset propagation is a traditional vegetative propagation method, and perhaps the most commonly used propagation technique for bamboo. However, it is only practicable for cultivating a few clumps due to the extensive labor and cost this technique requires.
Thinking about investing in bamboo plantations? Great, but after reading this article about bamboo investment scams and lease plans you might want to re-think your options...
Forum Discussions
I've read D. asper does well in Florida. I'm looking for something to completely overwhelm (thick and tall) a lot I have in Lake Placid Florida (zone 9b). Something invasive and aggressive that does not easily die. My soil is sandy and often moist.
I live in Hawaii and want to know if yellowish leaves on my bamboo plant are normal or if it's lacking something?
I'm curious to know which bamboo produces more biomass in a per hectare basis: Dendrocalamus asper or Guadua angustifolia?
We are planning to plant about an acre of Guadua bamboo seedlings on our land on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. We will need to irrigate through the dry season for the first and possibly the second year. I am currently evaluating my options for irrigation and would appreciate any feedback.
Once you've planted bamboo, what kind of maintenance is necessary after each year? I heard that you're supposed to cut off the lateral growth of the bamboo and only leave the center columns. You're also supposed to eliminate the weaker center columns.
I am planning my mini Guadua farm on a half acre and some things I need to know are: If you start with 25gal pots of Guadua, how much distance should you space them apart?
We are planning to have a bamboo plantation to support our growing industry here in Cotabato Province, Mindanao Island, Philippines, my question is, what is the ideal spacing for bamboo plantation that would pose as a problem in harvesting in the future?
Does anyone have experience mixing Guadua bamboo with fruit trees? Does bamboo harm fruit trees in any way via the (rotting) leafs? I know that there might be impact as to the shade the bamboo gives.
My preliminary research (and this website) tells me Guadua angustifolia grows best between 900m and 1600m. Does this mean its a bad idea to grow it at sea level? For construction purposes? Hope not! Any help is highly valued...
I currently have invested in El Salvador in softwoods, but want to diversify into bamboo plantations, so what's the best place/country to invest, grow and process Guadua bamboo; Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua or Costa Rica?
I have read that bamboo can be grown on denuded land of poor quality. Surely this would affect the quality of the crop for sale (furniture or flooring). What is the optimum type of soil?
I live in Hawaii on one of the drier islands and wondered what amount of water would be needed per acre to grow Guadua bamboo and typically speaking other species such as Gigantochloa atter, Phyllostachys pubescens, Dendrocalamus asper, Dendrocalamus giganteus and Bambusa oldhamii?
According to the research I have done, I have learnt that bamboo can give me good returns. I am however skeptical about the ability of bamboos to produce quality poles and timber. Kindly advise me on the ability of bamboos to produce quality poles. How many shoots can form a clump if planted in an ideal climate?
Can you tell me where I can buy Guadua angustifolia seeds? I have searched the internet but have found nothing for this bamboo in seed form.
I love the size of the large timber bamboos, like Moso, but I have heard that these are slow to create large groves. I got lots of land for these to spread on. I would like a quick, large grove with thick canes. So what are the quicker types of large running timber bamboo? I am located in Central Florida, USDA Zone 9a.
What is the minimum area to at least have a profit for bamboo, especially if you only grow for poles? When can you expect income for pole production, in a small scale level?
Discover the top 40 bamboo species ideal for commercial farming. Explore the diverse range of bamboo varieties with high potential for large-scale cultivation, offering sustainable solutions for various industries.