Bamboo is the Fastest Growing Plant on Earth
Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on earth. Some species of bamboo can grow more than 1 meter per day, which is about 4 cm per hour. No other plant grows faster.

Bamboo Provides and Endless Supply of Timber
Bamboo is a sustainable and renewable resource as it continuously spreads vegetatively. A bamboo forest will therefore develop much faster than tree forests.

Bamboo Produces more Oxygen than Trees
They say that bamboo produces 35% more oxygen than an equivalent stand of trees. But is this really true, and which species were used to come to that conclusion?

Bamboo is a Highly Effective Carbon Sink
Bamboo plants absorbs enormous amounts of greenhouse gases, and because of its rapid growth, bamboo is very useful as a tool for carbon sequestration.

Bamboo Produces Water for Rivers and Streams
Bamboo acts as a reservoir by collecting and storing large amounts of water in its rhizomes and stems during rainy season, and returning water to the soil, rivers and streams during droughts.

Bamboo Prevents Soil Erosion and Restores Degraded Land
Bamboo is a great tool for soil protection due to its rapid growth, permanent canopy and huge network of roots and rhizomes.

Bamboo Forests Create a Habitat for Fauna and Flora
Bamboo is an important part of a biodiverse ecosystem. Many animals rely on bamboo for food and shelter.

Bamboo Provides Biomass for the Production of Renewable Energy
Bamboo is a sustainable energy source that produces 1 kWh of electricity from 1,2 kg of bamboo. This is similar to the biomass requirements for wood products, but outperforms other types of biomass sources.

Bamboo can Replace Wood for any Application
Bamboo can replace wood in almost any application. Today, there are thousands of bamboo products that completely replace wood, ranging from paper and pulp products, flooring, musical instruments, furniture, construction materials, and so on.

Bamboo Reduces Poverty and Provides Livelihoods for Local Farmers
The bamboo sector plays an important role in the livelihoods of local farmers. Developing a stable bamboo industry is a great way to help reduce poverty, increase economic opportunities for men and women, and to fight global unemployment.