How to Determine the Height of a Bamboo Culm?
Is it possible to determine the approximate height of a bamboo culm by measuring its girth or diameter? Absolutely! In fact, bamboo is the only plant that exhibits a direct mathematical relationship between the circumference of its culm and both the internode length and overall height.

The Mysterious Flowering Cycles of Bamboo Plants
Is it true that flowering bamboo always dies after seed setting? The short answer to this question is: usually yes, but not always…

Bamboo Identification Made Easy: A Step By Step Guide
To identify a bamboo species you will need to observe all parts of the bamboo plant in great detail. Rarely can a single part of the plant be used to recognize a bamboo species immediately. Usually it is a combination of characteristics that lead to the correct identification or classification of a bamboo species.

Common Bamboo Names
Landscapers, gardeners and garden books, frequently use common bamboo names to refer to popular bamboos. To help you find corresponding botanical names, the following list includes some of the most common bamboo names used in the United States and their botanical equivalents.

Guadua Bamboo Growing Habits
In order to analyze annual stem production and yield projections for a bamboo plantation, it is important to understand how bamboo grows. Since bamboo is a type of grass, the growth and formation of a bamboo forest or plantation is very different than that of trees.

Types of Bamboo Rhizomes
The bamboo rhizome is the underground part of a bamboo stem (culm). However, rhizomes are not roots, roots grow under the rhizome and culms erect on top of the rhizome.

Bamboo Stem Anatomy
The stem is the part of the bamboo plant that grows above the ground, it is usually straight and cylinder-formed (to some extent oval). These bamboo stems have nodes (diaphragms) between two internodes, that strengthen the stem.