The Building of our Bamboo Nursery in Colombia
At the beginning of March 2021 we started with the building of our bamboo nursery at Hacienda Guadua Bamboo. It took us about a month to complete the greenhouse that measures 10 x 48 m.
Bamboo Nursery Greenhouse at Hacienda Guadua Bamboo
Photo by: Stéphane Schröder ©
In the bamboo nursery we are mainly focussed on the production of Guadua angustifolia plants for national and international reforestation project, but we are also growing a collection of tropical bamboos from around the world. We aim to expand this collection to 30 different species within the next year.
Our collection currently consists of:
Dendrocalamus sp. Thai
Dendrocalamus peculiaris
Gigantochloa sp. Bicolor
Phyllostachys aurea
All of these species will be planted in our bamboo park which we wil open to the public in about 5 years. Guadua angustifolia will be the prime species for our Adopt a Bamboo Reforestation Project.

Guadua Bamboo SAS