Bamboo Structure for Trapeze Act CirkVOST BoO
The French aerial acrobats of CirkVOST BoO are seriously awesome. About a dozen of them fly through the air in a unique 15m high open air bamboo structure. CirkVOST is one of the leading circus companies in the world, it is a group of acrobats who live to fly and deconstruct traditional approaches to aerial performance.
CirkVOST Bamboo Structure (the Making of...)
The towering bamboo structure looks stunning. It is a Mikado of 368 giant bamboo poles connected to each other by more than 2,000 nodes on a 600 m2 surface. The monumental but lightweight installation modifies and queries the architecture of the city as we know it. It draws an ephemeral space around how each point of view is different, as is that of the audience.

CirkVOST Bamboo Trapeze Act in Action!
CirkVOST BoO is an open air show which examines the human relationship within an impressive 15 meter high scenic bamboo structure. A dozen crazy aristocratic aerial acrobats deconstruct the traditional approach of aerial skills, raising the risk with a stunning musical accompaniment rich in emotions.

Guadua Bamboo SAS