Timarai Bamboo Beach Resort

The Timarai Bamboo Beach Resort in Costa Rica was a great example of green architecture with Guadua bamboo. The use of 100% eco friendly building materials and the adaptation to its natural surroundings (not the other way around) made this bamboo construction project a unique reference point in the region.

Timarai which stands for: Tierra – Mar – Aire (Land, Sea, Air) was located on Playa Palo Seco beach and was designed by architect Esperanza Callego and Colombian engineer Alejandro Restrepo. In 2005, Timarai obtained the 1ste price in the National Architectural Contest.

Stéphane Schröder

Guadua Bamboo SAS


Bamboo Joints and Joinery Techniques


Advantages of Building with Bamboo